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Comm #27: Sermon Showcase - A Special Christmas Edition

The Church Finds Its Voice

Hello pastor friends and Merry Christmas to you all! The four of us in the Church Finds Its Voice Coalition - Joan, Brad, Chad and I (Kielle), send our best wishes to each one of you and pray that your holiday season is filled with love, peace, happiness and an abundance of blessing!

As we were writing our last Comm to you - in which we sent you our list of gifts - Joan had the great idea of another resource we can gift to you...the “Sermon Showcase: A Recommendation of America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration This Month.” This new resource is the addition of remarkable, historical sermons that Wallbuilders hosts on their website. Each month, we’ll showcase 4 sermons from the Wallbuilders archives that are historically significant and also relevant to current political and cultural events.

So, here is December’s Sermon Showcase just for you. We hope you find these sermons to be a powerful inspiration to you!

*If you’d like to see more, these sermons and others are available to view on the Wallbuilders website along with some additional information - typically a picture of the original title page, some brief information about the preacher (if available) along with the sermon text. We truly hope you enjoy these special writings, and we look forward to sharing the next round of relevant sermons in next month’s Comm.

The happiest of holiday wishes to you all! We stand with you and are praying for you!

-Joan, Brad, Chad and Kielle

Your Church Finds Its Voice Leadership

*Please share and forward on to your networks!

Contact Us:

Chad Connelly

President, Faith Wins

To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit:

Brad Dacus

President, Pacific Justice Institute

Joan Holt Lindsey

Founder and President, Lindsey Communications

Kielle C. Horton

President, the Lindsey Foundation

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