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Comm 32: It’s Happening Now! The Awakening of America is Underway…Here’s How We Think We Know

The Church Finds Its Voice

Well, where have we been!? The four of us in our Church Finds Its Voice coalition have been purposefully waiting to tell you fully what we have been seeing and hearing lately. It’s incredible. All over the country, churches are back open, believers are back together, they’re engaging in government, and the wise voice of the Church in America is being lifted, and heard, once again. As it should. Good morning treasured pastors, this is Joan greeting you with joy at what God is doing. All over the country last year, we were repeatedly asked if we thought there was a revival coming. We were just asked so often, really constantly. It was a theme. The yearning for it was really clear. David Barton, our country’s premiere historian, has said we never know we’re in a revival until it’s over, then we know. I think we’re probably in it and it’s actually happening now! Let us tell you how we think we know. Coalition member Chad Connelly will tell it best, because he’s the one of us that right now is on the road with David Barton, and these guys are telling us about the immense energy for God that is on the rise in America. He could have told a hundred stories but just listen to this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Chad: We literally have a front row seat to an American Awakening! We’re rounding third and heading for home in the most consequential and strategic American Restoration Tour yet. We have some 20 or so meetings with The Church Finds its Voice and David Barton remaining in 8 states between now and Election Day. All told, we’ll end up conducting over 130+ signature events in 24 states between February and November 8th, 2022. We have now had over 25,000 pastors; faith leaders and activists hear our message in the past 12 months alone. Our Faith Wins team is doing all we can to make sure that the Christian vote is maximized, and the impact felt all over America. We are confident that informing people sitting in the pews about God’s irreplaceable role in America is fundamental to taking our nation back from an obvious attempt by godless, anti-American efforts to undermine the very fabric of our nation. From rampant and unchecked crime, out of control illegal immigration bringing drugs and human trafficking to our nation, a chaotic international situation, rising gas prices and inflation that is choking the life out of everyday Americans, to extremist abortion activists damaging Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the nation – Christians KNOW and FEEL the threats to our national identity and success. David Barton’s teaching on the truth of God’s role in America gives them the background facts they need to stand up for truth in the public arena. I have LOVED watching the “Aha!” moments in our meetings. I could tell you stories all day I believe but these may sum them up fairly well. I enjoyed talking to the host Wisconsin pastor who told me when we arrived a few weeks ago at his 1000+person church, “Chad, I let you guys use the church because your pastor here asked me, but I’m skeptical.” I replied to him, “what are you skeptical about?” He told me that he was skeptical about doing politics and I told him that we weren’t asking him to be political, just Biblical. He told us he couldn’t stay for the entire meeting, but as I watched, he listened to my talk and even stayed for David Barton’s full presentation. After the meeting, he told me, “Chad, we want to be ground zero for everything you’re doing in Wisconsin!” I could tell you about meetings in the inner cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia with African American pastors and others hearing most of David’s information for the very first time and recognizing that instead of believing the negatives about America, they can now confidently encourage people to LEARN about our nation’s true history and be proud of it! I could tell you about hosting these events in 22 different denominations in the various states or about last week’s meetings in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan that were just spectacular, but mostly, I want to let y’all know that God is moving. Our team proved in Virginia last year that pastors are THE best path to motivate their folks to vote Biblical values. My old political buddies in DC mocked me for even spending time in the state. Our pastors in Virginia were on the ground working in churches in late January 2021. Those pastors found 312 churches who registered 77k new evangelical voters and a guy named Youngkin won by some 65k votes. I don’t know if we made any difference or not since we don’t tell people how to vote, but we do tell them to vote for the candidates that most closely align with their Biblical worldview. I was amused as I watched some of the same people who told me that Virginia wasn’t winnable almost hurting themselves to get to a TV camera after the election to tell how they did it—some of them even told some of our actual stories to make their points. No one on our team cares about taking the credit, we care about taking the nation back. We are working to duplicate Virginia in every state we visit. One other thing we’re doing—and we stumbled into this in Virginia. Our team created a QR code to find folks in our churches who are concerned about election integrity. Christians want every eligible person in America to vote, but we also should want to make it easy to vote, but hard to cheat. There is no doubt that people are worried about our nation’s voting integrity. Our team isn’t training poll workers or watchers in any state, but we are reminding Christians of 2 Timothy 2:5, “And if someone likewise competes as an athlete, he is not crowned as victor unless he competes according to the rules.” We believe that one faithful thing we can do is help insure trusted elections, so our team has now recruited well over 1000 congregants from churches across America to be poll watchers. We are convinced that God is moving and we’re working to do our part. We know we can’t do it all, but we are committed to spreading the message of Christian involvement at every level in our nation so that we can fulfill our Matthew 5 Salt and Light obligations as Jesus instructed. Please go to our site to see where we’ll be next and get updates! God Bless you! -Chad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget that Coalition member Brad Dacus’ organization, the Pacific Justice Institute, operates as a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently, without charge, to provide its clients with all the legal support they need. Here is the link to the Pacific Justice Institute’s website: They are there for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joan here again, with Kielle… You are important, you are prayed for, you are God-led to restore this country. You are leading the way but we want you to know that patriots in other arenas fight alongside you. For example, so many in our glorious military who keep freedom safe, are passionate to restore our full freedom. We’ve lost a good bit, and it is enemies from within who have taken it. We asked one of our country’s leading military patriots to tell you his story here because it is incredibly moving, and will unfold for you just how God has raised up patriots alongside you. Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller is a civilian now and leading the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. But why is he there and not in the military? Prepare to be shocked! Please click on the link below to read… The Fight for Freedom is Here and Pastors Must Never “Stand Down” by Lt. Col. Tommy Waller

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sermon Showcase: A Recommendation of America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration This Month.” This new resource is the addition of remarkable, historical sermons that Wallbuilders hosts on their website. Each month, we’ll be showcasing 4 sermons from the Wallbuilders archives that are historically significant and also relevant to current political and cultural events. Here is October’s Sermon Showcase:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now where was that again?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We stand with you and are praying for you! -Joan, Brad, Chad and Kielle Your Church Finds Its Voice Leadership *Please share and forward on to your networks!

Contact Us: Chad Connelly President, Faith Wins To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit: Brad Dacus President, Pacific Justice Institute Joan Holt Lindsey Founder and President, Lindsey Communications Kielle Campbell Horton President, the Lindsey Foundation

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