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Comm 34: Two Reasons Why the Media is Afraid of the Church

The Church Finds Its Voice


Why the Church Has the Power to Transform the Media

In the fifty years I have been working with the media in the United States, I’ve spotted patterns for sure. How they operate, techniques and tricks. What motivates them, what they look for. And how they respond. I appreciate the role a free press plays in a free country, but I also treasure the role Christianity plays and has played in creating the most outstanding country the world has ever known. These two should be friends, should work together and have the same outlook, right? Mmmmm golly, oops they don’t. In my view, there are two reasons why the media is not only working against the Church but is downright afraid of you. Please consider what I am about to tell you…

Good afternoon to you, our beloved Church leaders, and best wishes for a very Happy New Year! Joan here, and I am delighting in you.

The media makes money from exciting stories, stories full of fear, crisis, and shock. Here’s an example I give when providing media training for some of our country’s leading patriot voices. Press coverage goes to the odd, the unusual, the story that evokes a strong emotion. Will the media cover a story about a flower show? Probably not. How about if a 90 year old lady wins top prize? Maybe. What if it’s discovered that she won by cheating? Bingo, here come the cameras. They’ll cover that story because they know you’ll read it. If you read it, you’re counted as eyeballs, and the more eyeballs the better potential customer delivery for the ads next to the shocking story you’re about to consume. The media trades in negative emotion to get you there.

How about a fire in California? Sure it’ll get coverage and the amount goes in a straight line with the drama. That’s why a TV viewer sees huge flames but perhaps what they see is a tight shot but of a fairly moderate blaze.

Negativity is a draw for the media, but you are offering the very opposite of that when your voice is heard from the pulpit, or in an interview, or writing a piece, or simply talking to people. The Bible offers hope, beauty, and love. It’s the opposite of evil and travail, which is surely horrid, but in life they are vastly overshadowed by the majestic power of a loving God who wants good things for you.

The media is terrified that the general population will want to come hear what you’re saying in church and thereby gain a balanced perspective on life. Well, they can’t have that because there go the ratings when you have viewers who believe God is in charge, and that what happens here on earth is just a playing-out of human history overseen by a loving God.

So they are afraid of losing the sole platform they currently enjoy. They offer an unchallenged viewpoint of our country as simply loaded with disaster, shame, victimization, dread and so on. Tiring, isn’t it? Imagine if our pulpits “thundered” as John Adams put it, with Church leaders boldly teaching the Bible and its true perspective on this life we live down here. The hope of Christ and the joy of life with Christ scares them.

Sidebar: I had a dinner party in New York City a year ago and one of my guests was a producer for a liberal network. This was his first outing in two years! He hadn’t been out of his apartment for two whole years. The fearful Covid news stories his own network hawked had gotten to him! Two entire years, without stepping outside.

Without the Church and the timeless truth taught there, we are confused about what TO believe! NOW - imagine powerful preaching of truth and the pews crammed. OK and what if the media folk themselves come to hear and learn. Why ever not? They’re as victimized by the biased media as anybody and would love to come if they thought there were answers to life to be heard there.

Which brings me to the second reason they’re afraid of you, and it’s the otherworldly, supernatural, timeless power of a human voice speaking that is influenced by scripture. No human brain can match it. And for the media, who deal in story, emotion, word crafting, and feelings, unless they themselves are influenced by God’s Word they cannot compete. The best they can do will never be great, only pretty good. Just never a wow. Consider Daniel Webster, a legend in the early years of our country. A kid who grew up with our country’s exceptional Founders as role models he served in the U.S. Congress, Senate, and then as Secretary of State. He was known for his speaking, and as a speech and media trainer myself it’s immensely interesting to me to read about his animated strong voice. He would recite the book of Job taking on all the parts in distinct voices then boom it when God was speaking. Such was his use of his voice as an instrument that his voice became part of what drew you in to what he was saying. People would line up, cram in, and wait for days just to hear Daniel Webster speak. His voice was part of the allure but his words, the content of what he was saying, was so brilliant because it was informed by his knowledge of Scripture. His speeches had extreme power because he used all the tools with which God had equipped him. And you can too. How would you like it if next Sunday people were lined up to get in, crammed in all the seats and spaces, and even waited for days just to get to hear what you would say. It can happen, and it’s a nightmare the media has. That you will speak with such power, so informed, so forthright, with such unanswerable truth, that our country will again understand the beauty of our life here in the United States when it truly lives by “In God We Trust”.

Joan Lindsey is the Founder and President of Lindsey Communications


Chad Connelly, Founder and President of FaithWins

Joan’s take on the media and their influence are more than timely! 24 hours is truly a LONG time in politics and as we stand in utter disbelief at the mainstream media’s total silence at the Twitter files reveal, we see more than ever that there is a concerted, determined and complete no boundaries attempt to undermine the very foundations of our nation. Our team did 132 pastor meetings in 24 states this year and can testify that normal, everyday, church-going, God-fearing and flag-waving Americans are waking up to the problems we face. We can assure you of our total commitment to continue to work with pastors and faith leaders to re-establish the faith community as THE cultural influence to preserve us a nation! God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

Love y’all!



Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute

Like my good friend, Joan shared, the media are afraid of the Church because of one thing only—truth. The reason being is that truth does not advance their agenda of lies and deception.

Many Christians have shared with me, “Brad, how am I supposed to stand for truth when it feels like a losing battle? The media will continue to dominate.”

First, don’t forget what we just recently celebrated. We celebrated the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, who came into the world to crush the head of the serpent (the father of lies) gaining victory over sin at the cross. So, no, it’s not a losing battle.

Second, because this is not a losing battle, should we not then be encouraged to boldly and fearlessly live out truth? The Church must continue to preach the Gospel and equip the body even if the pews are not filled. But one of the keys to effectively impacting our nation is by uniting ourselves in living out truth in love in everything we do.

We at PJI want to remind you that this is NOT a losing battle. We at PJI have for over two decades stood alongside churches and public evangelists enabling them to boldly preach truth. Not only do we love empowering the Church, we also love empowering individuals to exercise truth in their local communities in practical ways such as running for school board. So, we exhort you to continue to fight the good fight and keep the faith.

Running the race,

Brad Dacus


Kielle Campbell, President of the Lindsey Foundation

What a year it's been! We’ve experienced serious challenges, but also powerful victories that have only been made possible by the imperishable might of our great God. We’re praising Him with you for so many wins and grateful for every lesson learned along the sometimes bumpy road. All of us in the Church Finds Its Voice coalition pray for you and over you constantly, and we’re asking for tremendous, bold favor and blessing in the New Year! God Bless You All!

In Him,



We stand with you and are praying for each of you and yours!

-Joan, Brad, Chad and Kielle

Your Church Finds Its Voice Leadership

*Please share and forward on to your networks!


See below for Sermon Showcase, Now where was that again?, and a list of trusted media outlets.


“Sermon Showcase: A Recommendation of America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration This Month.” This new resource is the addition of remarkable, historical sermons that Wallbuilders hosts on their website. Each month, we’ll be showcasing 4 sermons from the Wallbuilders archives that are historically significant and also relevant to current political and cultural events. Here is January’s Sermon Showcase:




TRUSTED MEDIA SOURCES (Credit: Media Research Center)

Washington Examiner

Daily Caller

Washington Times

Real Clear Politics

The Daily Wire

CNS News

News Max

One America News

El American

Fox News


Chad Connelly

President, Faith Wins

To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit:

Brad Dacus

President, Pacific Justice Institute

Joan Holt Lindsey

Founder and President, Lindsey Communications

Kielle C. Horton

President, the Lindsey Foundation

**Click here for all past, archived Church Finds Its Voice Comms.

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