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The Church Finds Its Voice

Comm #28: How to Thunder

Dear pastors, you hold such an incredibly important place in American life! The Church has always been our country's strength, and its pastors have been our nation's voice. Joan here, and I send you every good wish for this year with confidence that the Church will use a very strong voice indeed. 'Thundering', as John Adams put it. He said the pulpits were 'thundering' as colonial pastors boldly revealed a Biblical blueprint for human government. As we pray you will.

You know that our coalition, The Church Finds Its Voice, was raised up to amplify and strengthen the American Church, work that was started by Faith Wins, so we all rally around this. We thought it would be great to especially showcase Faith Wins, and have its founder, coalition member Chad Connelly, say the most this time. So here we go, and here he is:


Chad here! We wrapped up our 43 city, 12 state American Restoration Tour in November, and it was wildly successful. It was like watching “light bulbs” go off for people as Christians listened to David Barton give his presentation on God’s role in our nation. One of my favorite quotes by David Barton is his repeating what Founding Father John Adams said about how America Independence was won because “the pulpits have thundered…” Well, we will have the pulpits thundering again with truth when pastors tell their congregations that engaging in the public arena is exactly one thing Jesus meant by telling us to be salt and light in Matthew 5.

There is no question that too many have drifted from the faith, at least partially because pastors do not teach what the Bible says about different issues. I do love watching the faces when people

see David’s historical evidence of pastors teaching on everything from taxes to bad laws that were passed, to earthquakes and eclipses to elections. What if pastors today taught their congregations to connect the dots on how the Bible addresses policy and life issues of our day??

The church would indeed be stronger, and God’s people would be thoroughly engaged in city,

state and national issues that affect them instead of acting like God is silent on issues like life, religious liberty, sexual ethics and identity, foreign and domestic policy and more!

We had the chance to watch this in action in the state of Virginia where pro-Bible, pro-life conservatives were elected as Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General and in state house seats around the Commonwealth. The Virginia elections demonstrate that the Church is waking up! While we obviously don’t endorse parties or candidates, it’s pretty apparent where lots of Christian votes go. Our first pastor meeting in Virginia in 2021 was in Mid-January with some 20+ pastors who caught our vision and committed to making Christian impact in Virginia’s elections.

As you can tell from these stats, there is simply no question that pastors made an impact there:

  • Faith Wins’ churches/congregants made up 9.2% of the unassembled nominating convention last spring

  • Faith Wins had over 300 churches engaged with over 77k new Christians registered to vote from those churches

  • We recruited over 1000 congregants who applied to be poll watchers across the state, with over 100 of those being “Sworn Election Officers.”

While political consultants busily work to grab credit for the unpredicted conservative wins, our pastors never sought any praise—each one simply recognized the desperate need in their state and our nation for Christian conservative votes and voices. That’s where we are RIGHT now, with maybe the most energized and enthusiastic atmosphere in our nation to take this country back for God, for truth, and for American values. Based on what we witnessed last fall, the stage is set for us to continue the American Restoration Tour and continue to wake up the Church to take its rightful place in America again! God Bless and see you at a meeting near you!



Now an update and reminders for you from Brad Dacus, President and Founder of Pacific Justice Institute…

In addition to defending churches from coast to coast—without charge—through our offices in 16 states, Pacific Justice Institute is also empowering churches with an understanding of their rights to ensure their voices are heard. That’s why we are so glad to closely work with Faith Wins to ensure that churches know exactly what they can do in making a difference. PJI provides specific and free legal counsel to enable churches to sponsor voter registration Sundays, candidate appearances, debates, and poll watching, which includes polls at their church and even ballot harvesting (where allowed by state law). PJI also empowers pastors to know their broad rights to express themselves behind the pulpit with the media, recruiting for candidates and running for office themselves. PJI even has a full-time Pastor Liaison on staff, Pastor Peter Mordh. Peter provides assistance to any church in need of guidance, resources and direction.

To access PJI’s free and empowering resources, click here:



Hello pastors and Happy New Year! As we’ve all just celebrated our nation’s day in observance of Martin Luther King Jr., it brings rushing back to mind his iconic way of thundering from the pulpit. Dr. King gave us a brilliant example of boldly proclaiming biblical truth, God’s love equally for all His people as the foundation of his words…words so influential that they inspire and guide us still today.

Your voice is essential to continuing the legacy of pastors like Dr. King who thundered from the pulpits and to the legacy of faith leaders throughout our country’s history who have vigorously reminded us that we are one nation under God. His Word is the guiding truth of our lives and our nation, and you have our support, our prayers and our gratitude for the most important role you are playing in the preservation of America’s Christian founding and future.



“Sermon Showcase: A Recommendation of America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration This Month.” This new resource is the addition of remarkable, historical sermons that Wallbuilders hosts on their website. Each month, we’ll be showcasing 4 sermons from the Wallbuilders archives that are historically significant and also relevant to current political and cultural events. Here’s January’s Sermon Showcase:


Now where was that again?


We stand with you and are praying for you!

-Joan, Brad, Chad and Kielle

Your Church Finds Its Voice Leadership

*Please share and forward on to your networks!

Contact Us:

Chad Connelly

President, Faith Wins

To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit:

Brad Dacus

President, Pacific Justice Institute

Joan Holt Lindsey

Founder and President, Lindsey Communications

Kielle C. Horton

President, the Lindsey Foundation

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